U.S. Energy Exports: First Comes Crude, Then Comes LNG

Last December, the United States moved closer toward unleashing the full potential of its energy renaissance when Congress passed – and President Obama signed – an omnibus spending bill containing language eliminating the 40-year old ban on crude oil exports. The repeal was historic and sent a clear message to the rest of the world: America is ready to fully engage on the global energy stage.

Now, less than two months later, the Senate is approaching a final vote on another sweeping piece of legislation that would strengthen the nation’s energy future by, in part, streamlining the federal approval process of U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports. Similar to forecasts for crude, LNG exports, if expedited, are projected to deliver strong economic advantages from coast to coast including more jobs and bolstered economic revenue.

Talk about a good start for American energy in 2016.

Read more on Forbes.

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